Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (sobornopravna) in Ukraina - 2002  i.e. UAOC(s)-2002.   The bearded deacon in the green vestments in the Enthronization Liturgy video of Patriarch MSTYSLAV I of Kyiv and All Rus-‘Ukraina in November of 1990 is Fr. Deacon Oleg Koulik.  Subsequent to the Patriarchal Enthronement he journeyed to the USA where he was appointed priest of Sv. Mary Protrectress Temple (SBB) in Detroit, MI.  Allegedly, over some of the non-orthodox content of his catechism for the children of the parish, Fr. Oleg was asked to leave.  In 1997 Fr. Oleg acquired the use of a formerly Belarusian, small Temple in Detroit, MI, USA where he ministered to an Orthodox pan- national community for a short while.  Fr. Oleg returned to Ukraina where he performed as a Blahovihsnik, i.e. preacher in the factories and other work places.  An accomplished and inspirational speaker Fr. Oleg developed quite a following.  In 2002, Fr. Oleg pilgrimaged to the Archihierarchical Monastery of the Four Evangelists, Houston, Texas, USA.  There he asked of UOC-KP Bishops MAKARIOS and TIMOFI to ordain him to the Episcopate.  The Texas hierarchs declined.  The following week Fr. Oleg was the focus of the rite of ordination of a bishop in Sv. Boris and Hlib Ukrainian Temple in Cleveland OH, USA.  Presiding at the service was The Rt. Rev. Fr. Archimandrit (mitered priest holding a rank somewhat equivalent to that of a western Abbott.) Stephan (Petrovich) who was serving as if he were a bishop. Subsequently in Ukraina there was an event where the ordained was announced as Moises, Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus’-Ukraina on 17-18 June 2005.   In the ensuing years he has created a jurisdiction which is represented to cover Ukraina, some Eastern European States and several places in the Americas, perhaps having franchised as many as 35 bishops.
Patriarch of Kyiv and All of Rus’-Ukrainia (autogenic and independent)